Opening Hours: Mon – Thurs 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-4pm
Phone Icon 01463 237300
  • Balancing the bookkeeping

Bookkeeping & VAT Returns

As with payroll, doing the bookkeeping and the quarterly VAT returns can be a chore for you as a small businessperson, distracting you from the things you set out in business to do (which wasn’t sitting up late at night filling in a spreadsheet for your VAT return!).

Speak to us and we can come up with a plan to share these tasks. For example Xero makes the sales invoice process so easy there’s rarely a need for outside help with this. However the input and matching up of bills and expenses can easily be done by us. What’s more, the automation tools within a system like Xero make the process much more cost-effective than other methods. We also subscribe to the data capture software Dext (formerly Receipt Bank), and we make this system available to any client that wants it, often free of charge (if you have fewer than 50 items per month to process).

As with other services we can be involved as much or as little as you like – many clients do their own books but like us to check their VAT returns prior to submission, which is a breeze when our staff can log in to Xero, make any changes and lodge the return, all without requiring you to down tools for a moment!

CMM have been Xero partners and advisors since 2013.

We are MTD ready as well as being certified for Xero Payroll and for client migrations.

Contact us now to find out how to start harnessing the power of the cloud to support your business.

Location Icon The Green House, Beechwood Business Park North, Inverness IV2 3BL.
Phone Icon 01463 237300